
What Goes Into Light Housekeeping for Seniors in Philadelphia?

light housekeeping for seniors philadelphia

Older relatives may require extra assistance around the home. Mobility and medical issues may prevent them from engaging in housekeeping duties. Caregivers can assist with these responsibilities.

But exactly what goes into light housekeeping for seniors in Philadelphia? Read on to find out.

What is Light Housekeeping for Seniors in Philadelphia?

Tidying Up

Caregivers may tidy up by picking up clutter around the home. In addition to keeping the house neat, it also eliminates tripping hazards. It helps keep your loved one safe.

Cleaning Up the Kitchen

A home aide will assist with meal prep. After the meal, they wash the dishes and clean up the mess. They will also disinfect the counters to ensure meals are germ-free.

Vacuuming and Mopping

Vacuuming and mopping are often included in light housekeeping duties. Your caregiver may mop or vacuum once or twice a week.

Light Bathroom Cleaning

Bathrooms are often a haven for germs. A home aide may clean your bathroom to ensure your loved one remains healthy.

Doing Laundry

Caregivers will change bedding and do the laundry so your loved one can enjoy fresh sheets and clean clothes.

Taking Out the Trash

After the workday is done, the caregiver will take out the trash. This will prevent foul odors and minimize the risk of pests invading the home.

Watering House Plant

If your loved one has houseplants, the caregiver will tend to them. They will water them and keep them healthy.

Feeding Pets

Pets are terrific companions for older adults. They reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Unfortunately, many seniors are not fully able to care for their pets. Caregivers can lend a helping hand.

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What is Not Included in Light Housekeeping for Seniors in Philadelphia?

Deep Cleaning

Caretakers will not deep clean the home. For example, they will not scrub grout, clean under furniture, or wipe down blinds, fans, and decorations.

Moving Heavy Furniture

Moving heavy furniture is outside of a caregiver’s capabilities. They will not move heavy furniture to clean. Families should be careful when asking caregivers to engage in overly strenuous activities. If they become injured, the family could be liable.

Yard Maintenance

 The caregiver will not engage in any cleaning outside the home, including yard maintenance.

Washing Windows

Clean windows can make the home look terrific. However, most caregivers do not offer this service.

Shoveling Snow

A caregiver understands how important it is to prevent slips and falls during winter. However, they will not shovel snow in front of the home. Consider hiring an outside service for shoveling purposes.

Inspire Provides Light Housekeeping for Seniors in Philadelphia

Inspire Home Care is a preferred choice for senior care in Philadelphia. We offer light housekeeping services and more. We aid with dressing and grooming, restroom visits, walking and exercise, medication reminders, bathing, transitioning, and shopping.

Inspire Home Care offers personalized, quality care. We take a safety-first approach. Our caregivers are background-checked, dedicated, and highly skilled.

Contact us to learn more about our comprehensive senior services.

Inspiring you to live independently

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